
Plam Production Classes

For those of you who may have had some damage with the freezes to traditionally cold tolerant palms, you may want to pull the damaged spear leaf from the top of the palm to expose and dry out the apical bud. You should also follow up with a copper fungicide spray to eliminate the possibility of pathogens from infecting the exposed growing point.
Here is an IFAS publication about treating cold damaged palms: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/mg318

There is also an opportunity to learn more about palm production from the experts at UF/IFAS. There will be a two day course on the production of palms.

Here is the link to Dr. Elliot's class at Leu Gardens.

Some of the topics are:

Topics: (classroom presentations and field trip to palm gardens on site)
􀁹 Diagnosing Palm Problems 􀁹 Palm Insects
􀁹 Palm Anatomy and Growth 􀁹 Palm Diseases
􀁹 Physiological Disorders 􀁹 Normal Abnormalities
􀁹 Nutrient Deficiencies 􀁹 Fertilizer Formulations & Techniques
􀁹 Transplant Issues 􀁹 Pruning Palms

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