
Thrips parvispinus - a Regulated Invasive Pest in Florida

Alert: Thrips parvispinus Threatens Nursery Crops

Photo L.S. Osborne 

I recently attended a presentation of a colleague at the Florida State Horticulture Society's Annual Meeting.  She was discussing the damage done to peppers in South Florida's pepper crop by pepper thrips, Thrips parvispinus.  It was fairly significant, looked remarkably like broad mite damage, and it wasn't easy to control.  This insect has a liking for a wide host range of crops we grow in central west Florida like mandevilla, gardenia, ixora, strawberry, hibiscus, and roses among others. What is also worrisome is that it is a regulated pest and can hold up sales of ornamental plants.  For more information on this pest please check out UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center's website.  There is a list of a description, host crops, and control measures. Thrips parvispinus - MREC - UF/IFAS - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - UF/IFAS (ufl.edu)

If you suspect thrips damage or symptoms, please have your pest identified.  I am happy to help visit your nursery (in Polk or Hillsborough Counties, FL) and assist in the identification. Just reach out via email or call me at the Extension Office.

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