
New Factsheets from UF

There are a few publications that have been recently updated and published from UF/IFAS. You can find them on EDIS our Electronic Data Information Source. These two articles will help you in producing quality plants with minimal waste. The first one is from Dr. Tom Yeager, entitiled "Nursery Irrigation System Checklist" This publication will help with some basic irrigation checks that you can perform to help optimize water for your plants. Remember that proper irrigation saves money and reduces pathogens. Proper irrigation will also insure that you are not leaching fertilizer out of the root zone. Here is the link. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep469 The second publication is a factsheet from the recently retired Dr. Jim Price and GCREC biologist Curtis Nagle "Pesticide Options for Important Insect, Mite, and Mollusk Pests of Commercial Flowers in Florida." This one will help with selecting proper control solutions for your pest problems. Always remember to rotate chemicals. Here is the link. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ig162 You can find many more useful publications on EDIS just go to www.edis.ifas.ufl.edu

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