The International Plant Propagators's Society Southern Region Meeting will be here in Tampa on 10/10/15 -10/14/15. IPPS Southern Region members are a great group of plant producers, propagators, botanical gardens, researchers, and students from a region that spans Virginia to Florida, and Oklahoma to Texas, who meet every year to "seek and share" information regarding plant production and propagation. This is one of the best producer meetings I attend. We will be touring west-central Florida on Sunday 10/11/15 and Tuesday 10/13/15. This year we are also hosting the international group to our regional meeting. I am also getting a list of other nurseries that would like to be informal tour stops before and after the meetings. This would mean opening up your nursery for visitors from the Society on Saturday 10/10/15 from 13:00 to 17:00 and/or Wednesday 13:00 to 16:00. These informal tours could be as simple as letting folks do a self-tour of your production area to as elaborate as having guided walks through the nursery or providing refreshments. You decide the level of participation you'd like to give. If you want to open your nursery please give Shawn a ring at the Extension office 813-744-5519 x 54147. If you'd like to find out more about the IPPS meeting here is a link for that.