
Thrips Management Document

If you battle thrips and want some help with a plan of action here is a great resource for that information. The following publication is a reference tool to help you develop a course of action in the management of thrips. This publication provides a decision key that asks different questions to help you develop the appropriate strategy. It even gives information on biological control as well as more natural type chemicals such as soaps and oils. What I found useful was the approximate duration of control and what life stage a particular pesticide would be useful.

If you would like to investigate further, please click on the link for further information.


USDA Seeking Grant Request

This just in from the USDA.

For Immediate Release

Proposals for Grants Requested to Help Farmers and Ranchers Improve Environmental Quality and Energy Efficiency
Applications must be received by December 28, 2010.

Gainesville, FL., December 1, 2010—The USDA is seeking proposals for grants to improve water quality, air quality and promote energy conservation. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is making available $25 million nationwide through the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) program to address natural resource concerns.
Now in its eighth year, the CIG program offers funding dedicated to the adoption of technologies to address a broad range of agricultural issues. For example, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is working with several partners on the Florida Ranchlands Environmental Services Project (FRESP) to design and field-test a program that would pay ranchers in the Northern Everglades for providing environmental services of water retention and phosphorus load reduction.
Successful applicants will demonstrate that their projects use innovative, on-the-ground conservation approaches and technologies. Funds will be awarded through a nationwide competitive grants process with applications being accepted from all 50 States, the Caribbean Area (the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) and the Pacific Islands Area (Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). Applications will be accepted from all eligible individuals, non-federal governments and non-governmental organizations, including federally recognized tribes and private businesses.
This year, a two-phase competitive process will be implemented. In phase one, all applicants will be required to submit a pre-proposal; in phase two, only those applicants selected during the pre-proposal phase will be asked to submit a full application package. All proposed CIG projects must involve producers who are eligible for NRCS’ Environmental Quality Incentives Program, which offers financial and technical assistance to help producers implement conservation practices on agricultural land.
The federal contribution for a single project cannot exceed $1 million. At least 50 percent of the total cost of the project must come from non-federal matching funds (cash and in-kind contributions) provided by the grantee. Grants are available for single or multi-year projects, not to exceed 3 years. Proposed projects must comply with the description of innovative conservation projects or activities established in the Announcement for Program Funding (APF).
Pre-proposal applications must be received at the NRCS National Headquarters by close of business December 28, 2010. To view the complete APF, visit www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/cig/index.html. To apply electronically, visit: www.grants.gov/. Additional information on NRCS and our programs is available on our website at www.fl.nrcs.usda.gov or at your local USDA NRCS office. To find the nearest office go to http://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app .

Grow Native

Here are a couple of workshops that you might like to be in on. The Association of Florida Native Nurseries in corporation with UF Extension Osceola County will be putting on two workshops, one will be on the economics of plant production with Dr. Alan Hodges. The other one will be with three professors from the University of Florida, Dr. Mike Cane, Dr. Hector Perez, and Dr. Carrie Reinhardt-Adams. The focus of this workshop will be the wisdom of producing and using local ecotypes of native plants.

Native Plant Industry Workshop: Economics & Ecotypes
Offered by the Association of Florida Native Nurseries (AFNN)in cooperation with the UF/IFAS Osceola County Extension Service
WHEN: 10:00am-3:00pm, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2011WHERE: Osceola County Extension Office, Osceola Heritage Park, 1921 Kissimmee Valley Ln, Kissimmee FL 34744

$35 for AFNN Members & partners (FNPS, FWF, FWGC) / $55 for potential members
Lunch included / $20 fee increase after Jan. 7, 2011
CEUS AVAILABLE: 4 FNGLA CEUs / ISA CEUs: 3.5 Certified Arborist, 3.5 Municipal Specialist, 2 BCMA-Practice, 1.5 BCMA-Management

10:00am – Welcome & Introductions
10:30am-Noon – Economics of the Nursery Industry
Noon-1:00pm – Lunch with Instructors
1:00-3:00pm – Native Plant Ecotype Production

For more information click the link below


Plant Availability????

Are plants going to be in short demand? This blog post was sent to my attention from Hugh Gramling. Here is a perspective viewpoint from an anonymous broker with a guest post on Dr. Charlie Hall's blog. The perspective is that from what the broker sees around the industry is that plants might be in short supply. From his interactions with growers and the like, this broker seems to find plant availability might be wanting in the near future. This might be good as wholesale prices will rise to meet the limited supply thereby reversing the downward trend on pricing we currently see. You might have other opinions or comments from what you see at your nursery which you are welcome to leave a comment on this page for others to think about. Click on Dr. Hall's blog to read more...

Diseases and Insect Lessons From 2010

Here is an interesting Webinar sponsored from Miester Media Worldwide, as a grower you might like to listen to. You might find out what pests others are dealing with and how to cope with them.

Nancy Rechcigl, technical manager for Syngenta, will discuss some of the major disease and insect pressures growers are experiencing in 2010. From mums to pansies to poinsettias, her presentation will include an analysis of common issues growers faced and tips and preventative treatment options for next year.

Title: Disease And Insect Lessons From 2010

Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at:https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/662612097

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

System RequirementsPC-based attendeesRequired: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

Macintosh®-based attendeesRequired: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newer


Misting Water to Protect from Cold

Here is an article I read from physorg.com written by Tom Nordlie. It is about research that Dr. Bob Stamps has been working on for the last few years looking at misters and foggers in protected structures to provide cold protection. I've copied the important stuff below.

"Now, a three-year study by University of Florida researchers suggests it would be more cost-effective to heat shade houses with water, using devices called foggers and misters that emit clouds of tiny airborne droplets.
The results were published in the current issue of the journal HortScience.
“This seems to be a very efficient way to heat in subtropical climates (in shade houses and greenhouses),” said Bob Stamps, an environmental horticulture professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. “The systems are so much less expensive than heaters and reduce fossil fuel consumption.”
Misters and foggers are widely available and commonly used to irrigate plants and reduce air temperature in hot weather, Stamps said. Misters emit water droplets averaging about 150 microns in diameter; droplets from foggers average 90 microns. A micron is one one-millionth of a meter.
Depending on the season, well water can accomplish either heating or cooling because it has the same temperature year-round, ranging from about 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
In chilly weather, the tiny droplets quickly radiate heat into the air, because they have a large amount of surface area relative to their overall volume.
The study involved two types of misters and two foggers in commercial nurseries during three winters. They kept shade houses warm enough to protect all but one genus of plant, from at least nine tested.
With water conservation a major issue in Florida, UF researchers are eager to find ways of minimizing the amount needed to protect crops.
One fogging system evaluated in the study used only about 750 gallons per acre per hour, compared with 5,000 gallons for one of the misters. Stamps said the research team would like to investigate whether the devices can protect plants when used intermittently, which could save more water."

If you would like to read the rest of the article click on the following link: http://www.physorg.com/news/2010-11-fogging-misting-ornamental-foliage-cold.html