
Free WPS Materials for Your Nursery or Farm

 Here is an opportunity to help you comply with the Federal Worker Protection Standards laws from the Pesticide Educational Resource Collaborative...

PERC is giving away free selected printed works to thank you for your support and participation in our shared mission, over the past five years. One time only, act quickly! Free shipping is included!


What’s available?

-          WPS manuals and guides (English and Spanish)

-          Large and small laminated central posting posters (nine languages)

-          WPS worker and handler training DVDs and thumb drives (English and Spanish)


Quantities: Please estimate how many of each item you could reasonably use/distribute within one year. Noncommercial use is assumed; see our policy on Using PERC’s Works.


Browse: Check out the list of available items and their descriptions here.


Make your request: To place your product request, click this link to complete a web-based form.


Who is eligible?

-          Agricultural employers, farm labor contractors

-          State lead pesticide agencies

-          Tribal pesticide programs

-          University pesticide safety education programs

-          Licensed/certified pesticide applicators

-          Trainers of agricultural workers/pesticide handlers under the WPS

-          Non-profit organizations serving farmworkers


Deadline: Product requests will be accepted through August 23, 2021.


Confirmation: You will receive an on-screen message that you submitted your request form. From that screen, save the link of your submitted form to edit or make additional requests by August 23. We will email you if we have any questions about your order.


Shipping: For items already on our shelves, we will ship in September. For items we need to print, we expect to ship those in October/November.


To all of our stakeholders: Thank you for serving on our Advisory Board, committees, project teams, and translation teams. Thank you for using, reviewing, and distributing the educational materials we produce. Thank you for letting us know about your unmet needs. We are so excited to continue this work with PERC 2.0 (2021-2026); join us!


Please direct your questions about the PERC stimulus at PERCsupport@ucdavis.edu