On August 16, 2016, UF/IFAS Hillsborough County will be conducting a class for those who would like to become certified Private Pesticide Applicators or for those who need a few more CEUs towards their license. The class will be divided into two segments: Core 8:30 am-10:30 am, Private 10:45 am-12:45 pm. Exams will be offered immediately following the classes. However, you do not have to take the exams the same day. You may schedule a time to take the exams at your convenience. You may take one class without the other, if needed.
If you are already a license holder, 2 CEUs in Core and 2 Private are offered for the classes, respectively. Light snacks will be offered. Walk-ins will be welcomed. The fee is $15 per class. Here is the link to register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-private-and-core-pesticide-applicator-training-tickets-26708219002 You can pay online via the link or bring cash or a check made out to “Hillsborough County EOAC.” if you would like to register the same day. If you have any questions please give Shawn a call 813-744-5519 x 54147.